Pangdemonium: “Falling” 戏剧表演

Extra•Ordinary People is thrilled to be part of Pangdemonium‘s thought-provoking production of “Falling.”

“Falling” explores profound themes such as family dynamics, love, and acceptance, centering around a character with autism. The play delves into the challenges faced by caregivers as they navigate the complexities of family life, particularly in raising their two children, one of whom is an 18-year-old with moderate to severe autism. Each day presents a delicate balancing act as they strive to meet their children’s needs. Through “Falling,” audiences witness the strength and depth of family love amid challenges.

As part of Extra•Ordinary People’s ongoing advocacy for inclusion, we organised a special caregiver-production team sharing session addressing the challenges of parenting family members with special needs in February.

EPL’s CEO, Mr Ivan, Centre Manager, Ms Rossana, and our inclusive champion, Mr Nathanael, facilitated post-show dialogues on March 12th, 16th, and 23rd. Members of our EPL team were also on hand to mingle around.

A heartfelt “Thank you” to the Pangdemonium Family as we forge toward our shared goal for an inclusive society, and for the opportunity to be present at these post-show sharings of “Falling”. We are also incredibly proud of our intern, Nathanael, for stepping up to co-helm these sessions.

We hear all our Caregivers out there — transitioning into adulthood can be daunting, especially for individuals with special needs. We acknowledge the gap in support services when an individual turns 18, the “Cliff Effect,” and the uncertainties it poses. Regression of skills learnt in their years of schooling is the reality.

Extra•Ordinary People will press on in our endeavour to further develop and expand our Campus programmes, which provide skills training for persons with special needs to achieve some level of independent living, relieving the weight on their caregivers’ shoulders.

“Falling” may have taken its curtain call, but the work of educating and supporting our caregivers goes on to ensure every individual receives the assistance they need to thrive. Let’s work together to create a more inclusive society for everyone.

If you want to join our supportive community, whether by donating your time, skills, or financially supporting our cause, please contact us at