Cyril 的非凡•平凡之旅(视频)

An insight into Cyril Takayama’s visit to Singapore in October 2023, hosted by Extra•Ordinary People, culminating in his guest performance at Extra•Ordinary Stars on Dec 1. Initially unfamiliar with the special education (SPED) community, Cyril’s journey began with a visit to APSN Katong, where he experienced the joy, his magic brought to children with special needs. It was a perfect start to Cyril’s time in Singapore, with smiles and a magical atmosphere.

Cyril, however, encountered challenges when performing for the Extra•Ordinary Light Orchestra (ELO) members, all of whom were on the autism spectrum. His magic did not elicit the expected reactions, revealing differences in perception and expression of emotions.

Individuals on the autism spectrum sometimes struggle with concepts like joint attention, which involves focusing on what others are paying attention to. Consequently, tricks involving sleight of hand may have needed to be explained to them.

Through interactions with Nat, an intern at Extra•Ordinary People on the autism spectrum, Cyril learned the importance of understanding individual uniqueness and overcoming biases. Nat’s perspective fostered Cyril’s empathy and acceptance, successfully showcasing magic to Nat and others, underscoring the importance of inclusivity and mutual learning.

The video concludes with Cyril’s participation in the Extra•Ordinary Stars event, where he engaged with the community and celebrated their courage and resilience.

Extra•Ordinary People cheers Cyril on as he endeavours to bridge the gap for friends and families on the autism spectrum, bringing the power of entertainment and magic to their lives in a tangible way. We are also grateful to Nat for his invaluable role in educating and reminding us that each individual is uniquely wired and crafted within the “Special Needs” realm, offering insight into humanity and deserving of recognition and understanding.

Short Version (11 minutes)

Long Version (18 minutes)