非同寻常的庆祝活动 2020
A COVID-19 Story: Tim the Extra•Ordinary & Resilient mouse
The Story of Tim
The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 allowed Extraordinary People to help our children understand the events around them. Tim, our Extraordinary and Resilient mouse, narrated through his eyes, feelings and senses. Through Tim’s eyes, we wanted to put words and emotions to what our children might feel.
第 1 集:关于复原力的故事
蒂姆解释了什么是 “可持续发展-19″,以及我们如何在这个非常时期保持积极的态度。
第 2 集:我的小小幻想世界
蒂姆谈到了他可以帮忙完成的任务,而所有人都必须待在家里。 And also about gratitude for the people and things around him despite the uncertainties of Covid-19.
第 3 集:百感交集
在《百感交集》中,他承认害怕是正常的。 Disruptions to usual activities will take place for a while. He also shares ways to manage these worries.
第 4 集:让我们一起参禅
需要帮助让自己平静下来,保持积极放松的心态吗? Find out how Tim does and focuses on the little things around him to keep his mind and body healthy.
第 5 集:新常态
Tim 谈及断路器后新加坡重新开放、外出时需要戴口罩以及我们需要适应新常态的事情。
第 6 集:新的开始
“新的开始 “向孩子们介绍我们的海滩路校舍,以及他们来到校舍后可以期待的有趣课程。
第 7 集:新加坡之旅
由于新加坡和世界各地的旅行限制,我们无法出国旅行。 Tim helps children acknowledge it’s normal to feel disappointed but encourages children to think about other ways of having fun.
第 8 集:欢度春节
Tim 分享了 2021 年的春节庆祝活动将如何与往年不同,但仍然充满美食和欢乐。
第 9 集:我的色彩世界
蒂姆介绍了我们如何爱护环境,在日常生活中采取更加环保的方式。 This video also introduces Dale Chihuly’s art exhibition at Gardens by the Bay.