Junior Campus

The Junior Campus offered by Extra•Ordinary People provides children and young adults a safe and creative environment to develop essential life skills that prepare them for employment or social engagement opportunities.
The programme empowers individuals to learn, explore their curiosities, and build confidence through Art, Music, and Movement. 我们的多学科小组协作方法取得了更大的成果。
Participants in the Junior Campus will have access to classes that engage them through Art and Dance & Movement.
- 艺术可以让我们的学员表达自己,让他们有机会表达自己的感受。 艺术活动还有助于提高孩子的自尊心和自我意识。
- 舞蹈与运动在增强肌肉力量和平衡力的同时,还能培养学生的稳定性和灵活性。 它帮助参与者达到身体发育的里程碑,提高他们听从指挥和手眼协调的能力。
您的孩子将成为中心内由受过 SPED 培训的教师指导的青少年群体中的一员。 需要更多关注和培训的学员最初可能会被安排在一对一的环境中,直到他们掌握了足够的技能,可以成为小型社会团体的一员。
通过有目的的游戏进行学习,可以培养好奇心,提高解决问题的能力,并增强社交互动技能。 它还有助于发展必要的认知、情感和社交能力,同时鼓励积极愉快的学习体验。
With time and a right-fit approach, your child will develop their full potential in Extra•Ordinary People’s Junior Campus and discover their strengths, cultivating deeper interests.
Extra•Ordinary People’s Junior Campus sets the stage for your child to develop their talent further and be nurtured by our Creative Lab team, where skills can be used for vocations, creative careers, or various forms of self-expression.
- 我们的团队将通过筛选会议和一些非正式观察来了解您孩子的优势和兴趣。
- They will then take you through how the Junior Campus can support your child in creativity and learning through play.
- You can then decide if Extra•Ordinary People’s Junior Campus is where you and your child can grow.
- 然后,我们的治疗师和您的家人将达成并商定个性化计划。
参与者应具备基本的自理能力,不得有自残行为。 此外,他们还应能够听从我们治疗师的简单指导。