

Extra•Ordinary People’s Creative Lab is a vocational arts incubator for emerging artists with disabilities. We empower them in their artistic practice through the provision of materials, mentorship, and artist management through the following:

  • Development of artist portfolio
  • 培养艺术创造力和自我表达
  • Learn, experience and experiment with different art mediums and platforms
  • Encourage collaboration and continuous engagement in social, communication and daily living skills as artists.

Investing in these young artists makes the local creative scene more welcoming to all. Through their eyes, we can experience diverse perspectives, experiences, and unique voices.


1. Client-Centred Approach
Every individual possesses vast inner resources for self-understanding and self-directed choices. We cultivate a climate of unconditional positive regard that encourages participants to tap into these resources, respecting each person’s autonomy and value their choices.

2. Artist Development
We are dedicated to supporting artists in developing their artistic skills and discovering their unique niches. We empower artists throughout the creative process, from preparing materials and experimenting with their craft to presenting, documenting, marketing, and exhibiting their works.

3. Continuous Engagement
Our commitment is to foster ongoing development. We integrate various aspects of life into our approach, including daily living skills, social-emotional learning, language and communication, and motor skills development. This approach ensures a well-rounded, immersive experience for our artists.

4. Exhibition and Vocational Development
By acquiring techniques and participating in tailored vocational artist training, we strive to support each artist in our Creative Lab to discover their unique artistic voice and express their creativity to the fullest.


Your support through the purchase of artwork, donations and sharing about us plays a vital role in supporting the growth and development of our artists.

To learn more about how you can partner with us to commission, collaborate or purchase artwork, contact us via contact@extraordinarypeople.com.



Featured Works

Bubbles of Dino Lives

Burger Deluxe

First Light

Happy Explorer

