Auction Terms and Conditions

Bidders are encouraged to read the following information that sets forth the terms and conditions governing the purchase of all items sold at An Extra•Ordinary Evening – Flavours & Origins Gala Dinner.


The auctioneer will accept bids from those present at the charity auction. Bidding generally opens below the low estimate and advances in increments subject to the auctioneer’s discretion. The fall of the auctioneer’s hammer indicates the final bid, at which time, the buyer assumes full responsibility of the lot. The successful bidder will pay the price of the final bid.


Payment must be made by 20th May 2024 (Monday). The buyer will not acquire title to the lot until the full amount due has been paid to Extra•Ordinary People, even in circumstances where the lot has been released to the buyer.

Paynow, bank transfer and cheque are accepted. The successful bidder during the auction is solely responsible for the payment.

Payment by PayNow

  • Enter UEN 201719854W
  • Or scan the QR code, and include Name and Contact

Payment by Bank Transfer

  • Bank Account Name: Extraordinary People Limited
  • Bank Name: OCBC Bank (Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, Limited
  • Bank Code: 7339 • Branch Code: 712 • Bank Swift Code: OCBCSGSGXXX 
  • Bank Account Number: 712-499896-001 (SGD account)
  • Bank Address: 65 Chulia Street, OCBC Centre, S(045913)

Payment by Cheque

  • Payable to: Extraordinary People Limited
  • Include Name and Contact at the back of the cheque 
  • All cheques should be crossed out

For any assistance, please email


Singapore taxpayers are eligible for a 250% tax exemption.

Extra•Ordinary People is an Institute of Public Character. Donations towards Extra•Ordinary People are tax deductible.

The 250% tax deduction is only applicable on the difference between the final sale price and the market value of the item. If the donor purchased the item for an amount below its market value, there is no tax deduction for the purchase. The market value of each item is deemed as the low end of the estimated value of the item.

The following is required to process the tax exemption:

  • Full name
  • NRIC/FIN number
  • Mailing address and
  • Contact number

For payment enquiries, please contact us at: